Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

hosts into the eternal presence of the Father & Redeemer! what must have been their joys since, at the welcomed millions of over---(?) ...who have ascended from this world of sin and death!---!---!

Ah, my brother! if these be the joys of the Ohh. triumphant in those days of small ---- how will the heavenly arches ring with their hossannahs!

Methinks Brother, I long to join the glorious throng--that with powers and more...strains I might shout & sing surprisingly. If we come to mount Zion we shall there behold--Abel..Moses and David. Samuel, Daniel, Paul & his brother apostles, the beloved John--yea, his dearer Lord and Redeemer! Then shall I be satisfied & not till then, when I shall appear in his likeness! Holy Father cause us to die in peace and to sleep in Jesus! Then! O then! shall we burst the bonds of death with sweet surprise & in our Saviors image rise! I am and remain your affectionate brother (as I hope) in Christ.

U. B. Accept the salutations of my family for yours, are well.

                                   Jont. Maltby."
(Note.  It is impossible to read many of the words. D.M.V.)
                       Williams Ancestry
*1.  Robert Williams, Church Warden, West Somerton, Norfolk. Will 1607.
 2.  Stephen Williams, m. Margaret Cooke, dau. of Nicholas and
        Winifred Webster.
*3.  Robert Williams, New England m. Elizabeth Stalham, dau. of John
        Stalham and Alice Gibson, he son of Christopher Stalham,
        of Norfolk, "armigerous" and Joan Drake.
 4.  Samuel Williams m. Theoda Parke.
 5.  Rev. John Williams m. Eunice Mather. (Tomyhawked by Indians in
                                           the Deerfield Massacre).
 6.  Rev. Stephen Williams, of Longmeadow, Mass. m. Abigail "The
        Redeemed Captive" Davenport, of Stamford, Conn.
 7.  Rev. Warham Williams mar. Anne Hall.
 8.  Abigail Williams m. Col. Stephen Maltby.

George Williams Maltby, my grandfather, was seventeen years of age when his grandmother Abigail (Williams) Maltby died. He told me that "she was a very beautiful woman, with large brown eyes and soft hair that had been brown."--When she married Col. Stephen Maltby" the folks all said "they were the handsomest couple ever stood up in Northford." (This seems to prove the marriage took place in Northford and not in Branford).

Col. Stephen was but forty three years of age when he died. Rev. Jonathan, his brother, wrote of him: "He was an eminent teacher of Church Music both at home and abroad."

We have already printed a copy of a Bond, dated Northford, 1797, between the four brothers, Benjamin, Jonathan, Isaac and Stephen Maltby--where they jointly agree to pay their mother, Eliz- abeth Maltby, "twenty pounds lawful money," etc.

                        Hall Ancestry
1.  John Hall, emigrant, m. Jeane Wollen.
2.  Samuel Hall m. Hannah Walker, dau. of John and Grace.
3.  Hon. John Hall m. Mary Lyman, dau. of John and Dorcas Plumb.
4.  Rev. Samuel Hall m. Anne Law, dau. of Gov. Jonathan & Anne Eliot.
5.  Anne Hall m. Rev. Warham Williams. 





